Sunday, August 5, 2012



Week #6

Scripture Reference: Luke 4:18

            Today is the first day that I am writing my blog on the same day I plan to post one. I have a couple of other outlines for a blog prepared, but just did not feel like those were the blogs I should post today. I think sometimes when you are going through a difficult situation you could really use a little encouragement.  In church this morning we sang a song the stated that God is still God through a storm. The pastor also stated that we are not meant to go through life coasting. We are meant to have power!
                Over the past few years my husband and I have gone through a lot of disappointment. One of the most tragic situations I have been through is when the IVF failed. That outcome almost killed me. I got stuck in a funk and it took a long time to recover. I can remember emailing my pastor’s daughter and asking her how I was supposed to deal with the situation. I am not even sure that devastated is an appropriate enough term for how I felt. This is a feeling that I wouldn’t wish upon anyone. This is why I feel my purpose in this blog and being so open is to give people hope. Whatever situation you are going through, no matter how big or how bad your situation may seem, you will get through this. The best part is that you do not have to go through this alone! We have a helper. We have a comforter. We have each other. Surround yourself with people that will lift you up when you are struggling.
                Luke 4:18-19 is Jesus explaining His purpose to everyone.  The part I want to pull out today is that he came to heal the brokenhearted. I am telling you right now, if your heart is broken, Jesus came for you! Psalms 34:18 says “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit”. I don’t know about you, but I have felt like that. I have felt brokenhearted and crushed. Anytime you feel like that, God is near and is there to help and give you Joy!
                I love the scripture in the Bible that says that He will give us beauty for ashes. This is from Isaiah 61:1-3. These are the same scriptures that Jesus stood on and read in Luke 4:18-19. Not only does verse three say that He will give us beauty for ashes, but it says the He will give us joy instead of mourning. God is all about giving us joy. Even in a situation where it seems like there shouldn’t be Joy, He wants us to have joy!
                Nehemiah 8:10 tells us not to be grieved because the joy of the Lord is our strength. Notice the Bible did not say that your joy is your strength. If we are dependent on our joy all of the time then we will feel weak and defeated most of the time, but we have God’s joy! His joy is our strength. 1Peter 1:8 says that because we know God we are filled with unexplainable joy. It didn’t just say that we will have joy.   It says that we are filled with joy. I don’t know about you, but when I think of filled I am not seeing something partially full. If it is filled, it is full. You are filled full of God’s joy! It is through God that we can have joy even when we are going through a situation where it looks like we should be depressed.  It is God’s unexplainable, wonderful joy that fills us and gives us strength to get through every situation.

Really take the time this week to praise God for His goodness. It is through seeking Him that we find His joy. Look up as many scriptures this week as you can about joy and learn to depend on His joy.

If you ever want someone to agree with you in prayer, please feel free to email me at

1 comment:

  1. I think that you are amazing Sarah <3 and I am proud to call you my sister! I love to see the things God shows you... how you put them into words... it shows your heart and I know God loves it!!!

    Sara W.
