The Green Eyed Monster
Week #8
Scripture Reference: Philippians 4:6-9
my experience, one of the emotions that tries to take over the most is
jealousy. I can remember when I was little my cousins got to go on vacation to
Myrtle Beach, but we weren’t able to go on vacation that year. Now, when you grow up in Ohio, going to the
beach is a big deal. I remember being so jealous when they went that I secretly
wished for rain (sorry guys, I know some of you read this, love you!). This is
the first I am admitting to this, but I really think it will help to bring home
the point. All week I was so consumed with being out in the sun so that I could
be tanner than them when they got home. The fact that they were at the beach
and I wasn’t consumed me. Now, this is
little kid jealousy. I am sure as adults we joke about being jealous when other
people go on vacation, but I sure hope no one secretly wishes for rain anymore!
Now we
are adults and we deal with adult situations. I have had many friends that
struggle with jealousy when a friend announces she is getting married. She
wonders when it is going to be her time and when she will meet prince charming.
I know others who have struggled with jealousy when it comes to friends getting
promotions. It seems like everything works out so well for their friend, whereas
they are struggling just to make ends meet. These are two major areas that I
know people struggle with. However,
those are not the areas I have struggled with. So, again, I have to go to where
I have experience. I do think that the emotions are very similar and the same
principles can be applied in many areas of life.
In my
experience, that overwhelming sense of jealousy came every time someone
announced that they were pregnant. The jealousy that followed was almost
crippling. I am ashamed to admit this, but there were actually times I wished
the pregnant women would get fat or I would take joy in the fact that their
butt got big. Now, I am sure that I am
not the only person that has ever had those thoughts, though many will not
admit to it. So, if you are one of those
people who have thought that, at least now you know you aren’t alone! However, this is not the reaction that we are
supposed to have.
27:4 says “Anger is cruel, and wrath is like a flood, but jealousy is even more
dangerous.” Then Proverbs 14:30 says “A peaceful heart leads to a
healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones.” So, we’ve now established that the Bible is
very clear that jealousy is a negative emotion. This is not an emotion that we
want to dwell in. Nothing good comes from dwelling here. James 3:13-18 is very
clear that where jealousy lives so does disorder and evil. If this is the case,
we need to learn to be above this emotion.
really good example of someone who had every right to be jealous was Hannah.
Read 1 Samuel 1. Hannah was married to
Elkanah and he had one other wife. The other wife had children and Hannah
didn’t have children. If that isn’t bad enough, the other wife would taunt and
make fun of Hannah for not having children. The Bible says that this happened
year after year. Now, it doesn’t mention
that Hannah was jealous, but I am sure she struggled with that emotion. 1
Samuel 1:10 says that Hannah was in deep anguish and cried bitterly to the
Lord. Does this sound familiar to anyone
else, because it sure sounds familiar to me?
I am
not saying that a pang of jealousy will never rise up in you, but it would be
to your benefit to recognize when it does so that you can do something about
it. You do not want it to control you. The Bible says we must guard our hearts
(Proverbs 4:23). So, we need to figure out how to get that emotion in check. Here is my
advice and how I have learned to handle these difficult situations. First,
jealousy is a sin. We need to go to God and ask His forgiveness. Then we need
to ask for His help. We can’t do this on our own. We need help. I mentioned
guarding our hearts earlier. You don’t want jealously to take root there.
Philippians 4:6-9 says “6 Don’t
worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need,
and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then
you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds
as you live in Christ Jesus.8 And
now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is
true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think
about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 9 Keep
putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard
from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.” This passage
of scripture has several helpful hints.
worry…Pray instead
Live in
Christ and His peace guards your heart
Fix your
thoughts on good things
Put all of
the above into practice (this isn’t a one-time thing)
WEEKLY ASSIGNMENT:This week take the time to examine your heart. If you struggle with jealousy, repent and put the four things above into practice. I am also going to encourage you to pray for the people you are jealous of. If you are jealous because they are pregnant it is time to switch your way of thinking. Start praying that they will have a healthy, easy pregnancy.
If you ever want someone to agree with you in prayer, please
feel free to email me at