Saturday, March 30, 2013

Avoiding the Terminator

Avoiding the Terminator

            We were all placed here on earth for a purpose. God created our destiny before we were even born (Isaiah 44:2).  It now becomes out decision whether or not we will fulfill that purpose, our destiny. We have a choice. You will either complete your destiny or you won’t.
            Two of the biggest hindrances to completing my purpose in life have been trials and a feeling of inadequacy.  I am pretty sure everyone at one time or another has experienced one of those two struggles. As humans living in a fallen world, we have struggles. Life isn’t perfect and it isn’t always easy.
            We had Lisa Bevere at our church for Chick Night a couple weeks ago. The message she taught was so powerful. She started with telling us about the movie Terminator. Since I have never seen the movie I’d like to explain it as close as I can to how she described the movie.
*** There was this girl named Sarah Connor. She didn’t seem like anything special. No boyfriend, no real career. Then the Terminator comes from the future to kill all of the Sarah Connors. He uses a phone book to find all of them. She finds out about this and goes and hides in a bar. The Terminator shows up there and start shooting people. Then some other guy from the future shows up to save her. Sometime in all of this he finds time to explain the situation to her. Tells her that the Terminator is after her because of some amazing plan she comes up with and that her son will be a General. Of course, she is pretty sure that they have the wrong person.***
            She told this whole story to explain that the attacks you go through are often not because of who you are now, but because of the potential of who you could be in the future. No other story had ever brought that point home so well for me. You are not here by chance. You are who you are meant to be! God has a purpose for you!
            This story shows both extremes. First, Sarah definitely went through an attack. My goodness, the Terminator was trying to kill her! Then there was the feeling of inadequacy. She didn’t think that she capable of what the guy from the future told her she would do.
            For Jason and I the biggest attack I feel we’ve experienced is the infertility. For a long time we let that dictate our actions. We let it hinder who could become and the plan that God had for our lives. We’ve learned a lot since we originally started going through this journey. Romans 8:28 says that God causes all things to work for good to those who love him. Now, let me be very clear, it did not say that God causes all things, but He sure can take a crappy situation and turn it for his Glory.
            You choose what you do with the attacks that you experience in life. You can fight back, or you can let them defeat you. This is one of the lessons that we have learned. Because we have walked this journey we now have the special opportunity to help and encourage other couples who are going through a similar journey. If you haven’t been through it, it can be difficult to emphasize. God doesn’t cause these bad things in our lives. In fact, we often cause them ourselves, but God does allow us to use them to help others. Just as I can help people going through infertility you have the opportunity to help others who have the same struggles you have had. Our imperfections can be turned to glorify God. Think about the struggles you have faced and how much God could take them and use them for his good.
            Another thing we have learned through our journey of infertility is how to trust and lean on God. Last year I went through a phase where my blood pressure kept spiking and I was having vertigo spells. At this point my primary care provider decided it was best for me to have an MRI done to make sure that there wasn’t a tumor on my pituitary gland. Now, I will not say that I was perfect in this situation and I will not say that fear didn’t creep in at times, but because of the faith practice we already had in God because of going through the infertility, we knew that God had our backs. We knew how to trust Him. I thank God all the time that the MRI came back good. I only tell that to remind you that some experiences help you grow your faith.
            Now on to the feelings of inadequacy, Gideon has already tried that, so there is no use in you trying that line too. Stop telling God what you think your short-comings are. He knows you better than you know you! He created you! God didn’t pick you because of how qualified you think you are. God picked you because of how qualified you are in Him. In Judges 6:15 Gideon tried to convince God that his was the weakest clan. God didn’t care because He knew what He created Gideon to do. Philippians 4:13 says that I can do all things through Christ. It does not say that I can do all things through myself. Remember, God doesn’t expect you to do things on your own. Not trusting yourself to do what God has called you to do is like telling God you don’t trust in His abilities. Our qualifications are in Him. He deserves all of the glory and honor forever and ever. Trust Him to use you.
1.      Attacks will come.
2.      Take them as a compliment. They mean the enemy knows what you are capable of!
3.      Realize your potential in Christ