Sunday, November 18, 2012

Merry Christmas or Bah Humbug…

Merry Christmas or Bah, Humbug…
It’s your choice

Scripture Reference: Deuteronomy 30:19

            The holiday season is upon us. It is a wonderful time of year. Of course, it can also be one of the most difficult times of the year.
            It starts with Halloween. This is one of the biggest photo ops of the year for some parents. They get to dress their kids as butterflies, angels, football players, pirates; they get the opportunity to dress up their already cute child and get a ton of pictures. All in all, this is a lot of fun for both the parents and the children. I am sure you can see that this holiday would be difficult on someone who is going through infertility. However, I have to admit I love seeing all the pictures and always appreciate being one of the people that personally get sent the pictures, but there was a time when these pictures had the ability to make me sad.
            Now we move on to Thanksgiving. Honestly, for me, this has always been the easiest holiday in this part of the year. I won’t spend a lot of time here.
            Christmas is the real kicker. It is supposed to be a holly, jolly season. If I am to be completely honest, I will admit that it has not always been all candy canes and Christmas trees for me.  I have allowed myself to be that bah, humbug person for a couple of years.
I can remember one year my brother and his family decided they were going to have Christmas morning at their house. My family tradition had always been to spend the night at my parents’ house and start Christmas morning right away. My brother’s family had every right to make their decision. In fact, I support it 100%. They have a daughter and what family doesn’t want that special time to themselves in the morning?  However, at the time I was devastated. I called my mom on my way to work sobbing. I couldn’t figure out what Jason and I were supposed to do Christmas morning. We didn’t have children to surprise on Christmas morning. Christmas traditions are so centered on children and their responses, and because Jason and I had not had children, I felt so robbed of that experience.
Another year, four of my cousins were pregnant at the same time. In fact this has happened twice in the amount of time that Jason and I have been trying to get pregnant. However, that first year was the most painful. I had just started going through this journey and didn’t have a clue what emotions would attack. Most of my family did not know at that time what all we had been going through, but I felt like that entire Christmas party was focused on my pregnant cousins. As it should have been, it was very exciting for all of them to be pregnant at the same time. However, I felt as though that they were all in this exclusive club that I wanted so desperately to be a part of and just couldn’t. I was absolutely devastated.  I can remember they had all of the pregnant cousins stand together to take a picture and then they showed everyone the picture. I don’t blame them, but this was very difficult for me. Now, I want to be very clear, all my baby cousins born from those times are some of the most amazing children I have ever met. They have impacted our lives more than anyone will ever know and I am so thankful that I did not allow my own sadness and jealousy to affect my relationship with my cousins or their children. They had every right to act excited and there was no need for them to walk on egg shells around me. Do not ever expect anyone to act differently around you because they are pregnant. You will miss out on so much if you expect people to treat you differently.
Now, the choice is up to you. You can allow yourself to let situations like I described consume your entire holiday season, or you can choose to celebrate the season for all it is worth. Deuteronomy 30:19 tells you to choose between life and death. Then it goes on to tell you the correct answer. Choose life!!!! So how do you do that when the situation seems unbearable? You’ve got to make an effort.
Years ago, I used to be on the puppet team at my church. We used to travel and do competitions and one year we went on a week trip together. That is a long time to spend with the same people. Especially because this group was full of lot of strong personalities. For months before the trip our leader had us read the love scriptures (1 Corinthians 13:4-8) over and over again. This was our focus. I can remember as soon as we got to the dorms I got mad at someone and instantly went back to my room to read these scriptures. I had to remind myself what love looked like. I had to work to walk in love with everyone. It was not always easy, but I was able to because I made the effort. I had the opportunity to allow conflict to ruin my week, but instead chose to make an effort to have a good week.
This is the same concept you need to use this holiday season. I am not saying it is going to be easy. I am not saying that you will never be sad, jealous or angry. You can make this an enjoyable holiday season, but it may take some effort. Find the scriptures that talk about God’s goodness and mercy. The scriptures that say He has plans for you. Remember that God’s goodness and mercy follow you all of the days of your life (Psalm 23:6). Take the time to write down the good things in your life. Then when you are having a difficult time step away and get your focus back on these things. I don’t care if you need to sneak away to a restroom and cry and get refocused on the good things, do it! Take care of yourself and have a wonderful holiday season. Enjoy Thanksgiving and have a Merry Christmas!


This week take the time to write down the scriptures that can help you through a difficult time. On the same piece of paper write down some of the good things in your life. Keep this paper close.