Sunday, December 16, 2012

Where to Run?

Where to Run?

Scripture Reference: Philippians 4:7
I’ve been thinking about what to write for this blog all week. I’ve been praying for God to give me the words that would comfort anyone going through a difficult situation. That burden has only become stronger in light of this week’s horrible events.
There is nothing that I can say or do that would take away the sorrow that anyone is feeling. I can only point you in the right direction of the one who can truly bring you comfort. No matter what you are going through there is only one who can get you through it. The Bible says that nothing can separate us from His love (Romans 8:38-39). No matter what you do or how you feel nothing can tear you from God’s love. You are His and He cares for you!
The Bible says in John 16:33 that we will have trials and sorrow. The Bible does not say that life will be perfect. Unfortunately, we live in a fallen world. That same scripture tells us to have peace because He has overcome the world.
I encourage you, if you are having a rough time, if you feel beat up and discouraged, run to God. Fall into His arms and let His love comfort you. He is all you need.
Philippians 4:7 says that God gives us a peace that passes all understanding. You may be going through a situation where it may not even make sense for you to be at peace, but God’s peace doesn’t always make sense. God loves you. He wants you to be at peace and have strength. He will be your strength.
Psalm 34:18 says that God is near the brokenhearted. He is there for you and wants to bring you comfort.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4  says “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.”
God comforts us through our troubles, but we should in turn comfort others. God is a giving and generous God, and that is what we are to strive to be.
When you are celebrating Christmas this year remember how much God loves you (John 3:16). Run to him for comfort!
We sang a song in church this morning. The song is called Everything Falls by Fee. Let this song be a reminder on where you should be running. The lyrics to the Chorus are 

When everything falls apart your arms hold me together 
When everything falls apart you're the only hope for this heart
When everything falls apart and my strength is gone I find you mighty and strong,
you keep holding on You keep holding on.”

You can listen to the song at

Sunday, December 2, 2012

God’s Faithfulness

God’s Faithfulness

Scripture Reference: Psalm 33:4
            We discussed in the last blog how you sometimes have to make an effort during the holiday season to focus on the good and not on whatever situation you may be going through. There are many situations that can make this time of year difficult. For me, it has always been a dream to have children and share the holiday season with them. To have the home made Christmas decorations for the tree and wake up Christmas morning and have children that are so excited that Santa came. I have dreamed over and over again of the traditions that I would start with my family. This time of year it can be very easy for me to get caught up in a pity party for myself.
            We begin to center the season on our own traditions. However, the center of the season is not what we may or may not have. The center of the Season is Jesus! The center of the season is that we serve a God that is so faithful that He sent us the greatest gift of all. He sent us Jesus.
            Sometimes, especially when you grow up in church you hear words like faithful and the full impact of that word gets lost in translation. I have to admit, even to write this blog I needed to look up exactly what faithful meant. I knew the definition, but I didn’t understand the full impact of what it meant that God is faithful. The Webster dictionary gave several great definitions for faithful. I chose three definitions to share today:
  •          Steadfast in affection or allegiance: loyal
  •         Firm in adherence to promises or in observance of duty
  •        Given with strong assurance: binding
God is all of these things. He is faithful to us. This is definitely something to celebrate! Do not stop praying for the desires of your heart. God is faithful and hears your prayers.
  •   Psalm 136:2 says that God’s faithful love endures forever! I love this verse of scripture. It goes right along with my favorite verses in the Bible, Romans 8:38-39. Nothing can separate us from the love of God. This is an amazing promise!
  •   Psalm 33:4 says that God is faithful in all He does! That pretty much sums it up. He is faithful in everything!
  •   1Corinthians 1:9 says that God is faithful to do what He says! I love this promise. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 1:20 that all of God’s promises are Yes, and Amen! Then Psalm 37:4 says that God gives us the desires of our hearts. Keep praying! Find the direction you are supposed to go. God will get you there.
So this Christmas season remember that God is faithful and celebrate His faithfulness. He is the reason for the Season. Do not let infertility steal your Joy!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Merry Christmas or Bah Humbug…

Merry Christmas or Bah, Humbug…
It’s your choice

Scripture Reference: Deuteronomy 30:19

            The holiday season is upon us. It is a wonderful time of year. Of course, it can also be one of the most difficult times of the year.
            It starts with Halloween. This is one of the biggest photo ops of the year for some parents. They get to dress their kids as butterflies, angels, football players, pirates; they get the opportunity to dress up their already cute child and get a ton of pictures. All in all, this is a lot of fun for both the parents and the children. I am sure you can see that this holiday would be difficult on someone who is going through infertility. However, I have to admit I love seeing all the pictures and always appreciate being one of the people that personally get sent the pictures, but there was a time when these pictures had the ability to make me sad.
            Now we move on to Thanksgiving. Honestly, for me, this has always been the easiest holiday in this part of the year. I won’t spend a lot of time here.
            Christmas is the real kicker. It is supposed to be a holly, jolly season. If I am to be completely honest, I will admit that it has not always been all candy canes and Christmas trees for me.  I have allowed myself to be that bah, humbug person for a couple of years.
I can remember one year my brother and his family decided they were going to have Christmas morning at their house. My family tradition had always been to spend the night at my parents’ house and start Christmas morning right away. My brother’s family had every right to make their decision. In fact, I support it 100%. They have a daughter and what family doesn’t want that special time to themselves in the morning?  However, at the time I was devastated. I called my mom on my way to work sobbing. I couldn’t figure out what Jason and I were supposed to do Christmas morning. We didn’t have children to surprise on Christmas morning. Christmas traditions are so centered on children and their responses, and because Jason and I had not had children, I felt so robbed of that experience.
Another year, four of my cousins were pregnant at the same time. In fact this has happened twice in the amount of time that Jason and I have been trying to get pregnant. However, that first year was the most painful. I had just started going through this journey and didn’t have a clue what emotions would attack. Most of my family did not know at that time what all we had been going through, but I felt like that entire Christmas party was focused on my pregnant cousins. As it should have been, it was very exciting for all of them to be pregnant at the same time. However, I felt as though that they were all in this exclusive club that I wanted so desperately to be a part of and just couldn’t. I was absolutely devastated.  I can remember they had all of the pregnant cousins stand together to take a picture and then they showed everyone the picture. I don’t blame them, but this was very difficult for me. Now, I want to be very clear, all my baby cousins born from those times are some of the most amazing children I have ever met. They have impacted our lives more than anyone will ever know and I am so thankful that I did not allow my own sadness and jealousy to affect my relationship with my cousins or their children. They had every right to act excited and there was no need for them to walk on egg shells around me. Do not ever expect anyone to act differently around you because they are pregnant. You will miss out on so much if you expect people to treat you differently.
Now, the choice is up to you. You can allow yourself to let situations like I described consume your entire holiday season, or you can choose to celebrate the season for all it is worth. Deuteronomy 30:19 tells you to choose between life and death. Then it goes on to tell you the correct answer. Choose life!!!! So how do you do that when the situation seems unbearable? You’ve got to make an effort.
Years ago, I used to be on the puppet team at my church. We used to travel and do competitions and one year we went on a week trip together. That is a long time to spend with the same people. Especially because this group was full of lot of strong personalities. For months before the trip our leader had us read the love scriptures (1 Corinthians 13:4-8) over and over again. This was our focus. I can remember as soon as we got to the dorms I got mad at someone and instantly went back to my room to read these scriptures. I had to remind myself what love looked like. I had to work to walk in love with everyone. It was not always easy, but I was able to because I made the effort. I had the opportunity to allow conflict to ruin my week, but instead chose to make an effort to have a good week.
This is the same concept you need to use this holiday season. I am not saying it is going to be easy. I am not saying that you will never be sad, jealous or angry. You can make this an enjoyable holiday season, but it may take some effort. Find the scriptures that talk about God’s goodness and mercy. The scriptures that say He has plans for you. Remember that God’s goodness and mercy follow you all of the days of your life (Psalm 23:6). Take the time to write down the good things in your life. Then when you are having a difficult time step away and get your focus back on these things. I don’t care if you need to sneak away to a restroom and cry and get refocused on the good things, do it! Take care of yourself and have a wonderful holiday season. Enjoy Thanksgiving and have a Merry Christmas!


This week take the time to write down the scriptures that can help you through a difficult time. On the same piece of paper write down some of the good things in your life. Keep this paper close.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Week #12
Scripture Reference:  Hebrews 11:1 (NLT)
Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen;
it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.

            I’ve started rereading a book about Smith Wigglesworth, who was an evangelist in the early 1900’s.  The stories that have been told about him are amazing. He truly believed that God could work through him. Miracle after miracle were completed through Smith Wigglesworth by God, but the story that has stuck out to me the most was a simple story.  It was a simple faith step that he made seem so easy because of his confidence that our Heavenly Father would take care of him.     
Book: Wigglesworth: A Man Who Walked with God
Author: George Stormont
Pg 13
“Another evening, my wife drove Wigglesworth to a meeting in another church, and on the way home, the car broke down. He was unperturbed. He just talked to “Father”, and very soon help appeared in the form of a man who had been at the meeting. The man arranged for the car to be taken care of then brought Wigglesworth and my wife home.”
            This story really convicted me. He had so much confidence that Father God would take care of him that it didn’t even faze him when the car broke down. This is a level of faith that I am still striving to attain. I am not going to lie, the day after I read this story I was faced with an opportunity where I had to choose between being confident in my Heavenly Father and being confident in life’s circumstances. I did not pass this test. We had received a rather large bill in the mail and my initial reaction was not calm and thankful that God takes care of us. My initial reaction was panic. My mood stunk and I was stressed. Eventually I remembered reading this story and was so convicted because I had the opportunity to trust and be confident in God and instead I leaned on my own abilities. I’ve got to tell you, my abilities are nothing compared to God’s abilities. Long story short, turns out we didn’t even owe the money on the bill. It had already been paid. I allowed myself to become stressed over nothing. I allowed “nothing” to ruin my morning.
            Here is my point…Are you confident in our Heavenly Father on a daily basis? Are you confident that He will take care of you in the small things? Matthew 6:30 says “And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?” After reading this scripture it is such a silly thought that we would fret over the little things. God knows what you need. He knows you need food, clothing and numerous other things for survival. The Bible says that He will care for you. You can absolutely be confident in the fact that He takes care of you. So, the next time your car breaks down or you receive an unexpected bill in the mail you can be confident that God has set up the provision to take care of the situation.
            Why is this so important? If we cannot be confident in our Heavenly Father when our car breaks down, how will we be confident in Him when something major happens? Those everyday day trials that give you the opportunity to trust and be confident in God are practice for when we go through the major things. We need to learn to trust Him through the little things so that we can trust Him through the big things such as infertility. As I’ve discussed in previous blogs infertility can become overwhelming. It can consume your every thought. However, we do not need to allow it to become that way because we can be confident that our Heavenly Father will take care of us.

We need to learn to be confident in Him through the little things
so that we can be confident in Him through the big things.

This week take the time to recognize the opportunities that you have to trust in God. Thank Him for taking care of you.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Don’t Worry…

Don’t Worry…
Week #11
Scripture Reference:  Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

            Worry and Stress can be a huge factor when you are going through infertility.  You hear all of the time from people “if you just relax, it will happen”. They tell you stories of “when my friend stopped trying she got pregnant”. What these well-meaning people fail to realize is that sometimes infertility is more than a state of mind. There is sometimes a physical reason people have trouble conceiving. What they also fail to realize is that friend that “stopped trying”, never really stopped trying. Trying to get pregnant was always in the back of their mind, but as a coping mechanism they “stopped trying”. I have wanted to scream at these people. I know that they are trying to help, or trying to make themselves feel better, but stress/worry is not the cause of endometriosis. The endometriosis is not going to go away if I just stop stressing. However, stress and worry is not good for you.
            According to the American Society for Reproductive medicine “Many women who are being treated for infertility have as much stress as women who have cancer or heart disease”. We also know that stress and worry are not good for you. Luke 12:25 asks if worrying can add a single moment to our lives. The answer is no.  Worrying accomplishes nothing. In fact, it is bad for us physically and mentally.

Common effects of stress ...
... On your body
... On your mood
... On your behavior
·         Headache
·         Muscle tension or pain
·         Chest pain
·         Fatigue
·         Change in sex drive
·         Stomach upset
·         Sleep problems
·         Anxiety
·         Restlessness
·         Lack of motivation or focus
·         Irritability or anger
·         Sadness or depression
·         Overeating or under eating
·         Angry outbursts
·         Drug or alcohol abuse
·         Tobacco use
·         Social withdrawal
Source: American Psychological Association's "Stress in America" report, 2010
So, if worry and stress are so bad for us, but infertility can cause a large amount of stress, are we stuck? The answer is no! A big, resounding NO!


            Again, read the scripture I put at the top of this blog. It says Don’t Worry! God does not give us commands that are not possible. He also does not give us commands without telling us how to make it possible! So here it goes. Here is how we keep our stress and worry levels in check. Don’t worry, pray about everything and you will experience God’s peace. That sounds like a great promise to me.  The number one way to alleviate stress and worry, give it to God!
           1 Peter 5:7 tells us to cast our worries and cares on God because He cares for us. Fill yourself with scriptures on God’s peace. Find teachings about casting your cares on God. One of my personal favorites was Rick Renner’s “Casting Your Cares”. Jason and I have listened to this audio file over and over again. This audio file can be found at  Pastor Jeff recently did a service about Jehovah Shalom. Meaning God is Peace. He is our peace. You can listen to this service at
What else can you do to alleviate stress? You have got to find ways to keep your stress in check. This means find the techniques that work for you. I have found that running is my stress relief. It relaxes me and gives me a goal. I am currently training to run a full marathon that I will be running in February. This gives me a goal other than trying to get pregnant. Now here is your challenge: what relaxes you? Are there relaxation techniques that work for you? Does exercise work for you? Research and find what works for you.


First, submerse yourself in the scriptures that teach you how to cast your cares on God and the scriptures that teach you that God is your peace. Find teachings about God being your peace. Get your focus where it belongs and off of the problem.
Second, research ways to reduce your stress level. This could be exercising, finding relaxation techniques, starting your day listening to praise and worship. Find what works for you.